How to Use CSS Gradients


Very Short Version

Copy the CSS, add it to the background or background-image tag of the element you want to have the gradient.

Short Version

  • Find a gradient you like, either on Gradient Magic or one of the many other galleries out there.
  • Copy the CSS.
  • Add the copied CSS to the background or background-image tag. You can do this in the browser (for a quick preview) or in your CSS editor.
  • Viola! That’s all you need to do. A world of color is at your fingertips.

Slightly Longer Version

Gradients are really easy to use, so the longer version is very similar to the short version - only with more detail.

  • You’ve found a gradient you want to use? Great! Copy the CSS.

  • You can add the gradient to the background or background-image property, as shown below:

    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(235, 216, 9),rgb(202, 60, 134));
  • The background property is a CSS shorthand property - which means it can be used to set multiple CSS properties at once. For gradients it sets background-image, since the browser renders gradients as an image.

  • Did you know you can easily modify the gradient? By using the developer tools in your browser you can edit gradients on the fly. Right click on the element and select “inspect” - it should open web developer tools.

  • For simple gradients it is easy to use dev tools to modify colors and tweak the angle to get what you like.


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